Concrete Moisture Testing Checklist

Unsure how to get started with concrete relative humidity (RH) testing? Or just looking for a simple checklist to make sure you’re covering all the important points?

Forget the jargon—this easy checklist in plain English will ensure you’re getting accurate results in the most efficient way possible. It covers everything for your testing to be ASTM F2170 compliant, so you won’t need any other checklist!

In short, the steps are:

  1. Check service conditions
  2. Decide how many test holes you’ll need
  3. Determine test hole depth
  4. Drill and prepare holes
  5. Wait 24 hours
  6. Take RH measurements
  7. Record and report results

Under each step, we’ll cover everything you need to know. Ready?

1. Check Service Conditions

Make sure the temperature and relative humidity are at the final levels needed for the home/building. Use a thermo hygrometer and/or data logger to make sure they stay at those levels for at least 48 hours before you test.

2. Decide How Many Test Holes You’ll Need

datamaster app

The DataMaster app is a great place to record your data.

Time for some math! You’ll need three test holes for the first 1,000 square feet and at least one hole for each additional 1,000 square feet.

For a building with 3,000 square feet, that would be a total of 5 tests (3 for the first 1,000 square feet and 2 for the remaining 2,000 square feet).

Use the DataMaster app to record the area of the slab. Or write it down and keep it with job records.

3. Determine Test Hole Depth

If the slab is drying from one side, your test holes should be 40% of the depth of the slab. But if the slab is drying from both sides, your test holes only need to be 20% of the depth.

Record this slab thickness in the DataMaster L6 app or write it down.

4. Drill and Prepare Holes

drilling concrete

Use a masonry drill bit to make the test holes, and don’t forget to vacuum them out.

Use a rotary hammer drill and a ¾”-diameter masonry drill bit to make all the test holes in the locations you decided earlier. Again, we recommend recording the locations of the holes—either on the app or manually.

Once all the holes are drilled, remove any dust with a shop vacuum, alternating with a wire bristle brush to loosen any debris.

Insert the sensor into the hole, making sure it sits all the way at the bottom.

5. Wait 24 Hours

Cover the sensor and allow it the required 24 hours to equilibrate.

6. Take RH Measurements

After equilibration, remove the cap and place the reader inside the sensor to take the readings.

7. Record and Report Results

As you take readings, be sure to record your results with the date and test hole location. If you’re using Wagner’s DataGrabber with Bluetooth, results will automatically sync to the DataMaster app.

All Ready for Testing!

With these simple steps, you will have successfully measured the relative humidity of your concrete slab. But if you’re at all concerned about meeting standards, we encourage you to check out the ASTM F2170 checklist.

To make RH testing even easier, the DataMaster app connects with Rapid RH’s Smart Sensors, keeping all your important data in one place. It’ll save you time and the frustration of missing paper records! Download the app today.

Last updated on September 10th, 2024

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