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Concrete Slab Relative Humidity Test Results in Just 24 Hours!
Thanks to a recent update to ASTM F2170, you can now obtain official concrete slab relative humidity (RH) test results in just one day. This significant reduction in wait time for testing is a true game-changer. Flooring professionals and contractors can now take action after just one day instead of having to wait three days for relative humidity test results.

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No other industry-accepted test method offers such fast results, and certainly, none are more reliable or accurate than the ASTM F2170 in situ relative humidity test.

ASTM International updated the industry standard for relative humidity (RH) testing of concrete slabs in response to a recent ASTM-commissioned Precision and Bias (P&B) interlaboratory study conducted in 2014. The study found that test holes were completely equilibrated after 24 hours, such that the RH readings taken at that time were essentially the same as the readings taken after 72 hours.

In other words, the test showed that when you conduct RH testing properly in the field, you can enjoy complete confidence that relative humidity readings taken at 24 hours are complete, accurate, and officially recognized. They reflect the same moisture conditions that you would have recorded under the former 72-hour threshold—except now you can officially record them 48 hours sooner.

The F2170 RH testing standard was first published in 2002, in response to Scandinavian research that detailed many of the significant advantages of using in situ concrete RH testing to prevent moisture-related flooring failures. Recent studies lend further credence to the scientific superiority of relative humidity testing over surface-based methods of testing concrete moisture condition.

Jason Spangler, Flooring Division Sales Manager, explains how concrete relative humidity testing just got a lot faster.

Accuracy and Speed…In the Real World

Now, the in situ relative humidity test is not only more scientifically accurate and reliable, but also more actionable, providing contractors with usable readings in a fraction of the time of other test methods. If the readings are within the manufacturer’s specifications for the finished flooring products being used, the ASTM update allows you to take steps a full 48 hours earlier and move forward with the flooring installation. On the other hand, if the readings are not within manufacturer specs, you possess this information after just 24 hours and can begin immediately addressing options for keeping the project moving forward.

These results are great news for those utilizing Rapid RH® measurement testing to ensure their flooring projects are not compromised by moisture-related problems. Either way, Rapid RH® testing yields this valuable information almost immediately, avoiding costly delays and potentially enhancing project profitability.

The results also further demonstrate the superiority of Rapid RH® testing over ASTM F1869, the standard for what is often called the calcium chloride (CaCl) test. Not only does Rapid RH® testing generate scientifically sound data that is essential to successful flooring project outcomes in a way that the CaCl test cannot, but it gives these fully accurate and usable results in a fraction of the time.

For all of your flooring projects, be sure you insist on the Rapid RH® concrete relative humidity test by Wagner Meters. It’s fast, easy to use, and complies fully with the ASTM F2170 standard.

Rapid RH® Downloads

Here are several useful resources about the Rapid RH® that you’ll want to check out. These give you the information you need to be sure you are using the Rapid RH® system correctly and getting fast, accurate moisture testing of concrete floors in full compliance with the ASTM F2170 standard. Click an image to download.

Shop Rapid RH®

For more information about our full line of Rapid RH® products, call our moisture measurement specialists at 541-291-5123 today.